OUR SERVICES We offer a full range of comprehensive range of services to help our clients not only find the right property but to help make their day to day living easier. CONTACT US

About Our Services

We provide a solution for whatever your property needs. We’ve partnered with the best and the brightest in Myanmar to be able to guarantee a swift and seamless transition moving to your new home.

Rental Services
Sales Service
Citizenship & Residence Service
Visa Service
Concierge Services
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Finding the right property for you will always be our top priority. We work diligently to understand your wants and needs. Our strategy is simple –  Listen. Understand. Search. We offer the most comprehensive and transparently crafted bespoke services to offer the best service in Myanmar.


Our team is full of and enthusiastic members who’ll work diligently to get the results you desire. Our team is learning and growing by the day. Our years of combined experience means you’re in safe hands. If you’d like to see the faces behind the screen check out our Team page!